New important dates for your calander

There will be a meeting on Saturday April 22nd, twelve noon at the Treviana swimming pool area  to prepare for the Scoping Committee. We will prepare to have speakers represent our interest against the SANDAG proposal of the BRT Please come and if you would like to take the opportunity to speak on behalf of the larger communities please let us know.

There will be a meeting on Saturday April 24th at the Treviana swimming pool area to discuss the preferred alternatives of diverting the BRT line. Please come and let us know if you have any ideas or opinions so we don’t leave any idea unheard.

Note from Bob Gonzales Trevianna H.O.A. Vice President –

I spoke with Councilmember Steve Castenada today and I invited him and Staffmember Linda Wagner to my meeting on Saturday April 24th. Councilmember Steve Castenada indicated that he would come. He also mentioned that the preparation for the scoping committee is of imperative importance. He also indicated that he would ask Linda Wagner his staffmember to attend. We all need to be there! Bob Gonzales Board Member


April 28th from 4:00 P.M. till 8:00 P.M, the meeting of the Scoping Committee will be at Heritage Elementary school. We need the support of Treviana and Monet residents physically there! We made a BIG difference by being at the SANDAG Transportation Committee. lets keep this going. This is a critical time where me must show our opposition to the portion between our communities by showing physical numbers.

If I could get help from the Monet community to spread the word to our communities about the opportunities provided by these meetings please e-mail me at  I’m looking to place new signs up in the community and if possible talk to residents person to person / knock on doors, because not everyone looks at flyers. Please let me know.

Council Member Castaneda gets involved!

At the  March 19th meeting held by SANDAG Chula Vista City Council Member Castaneda will take time off work to be there to support our viewpoint as a citizen. He feels very strongly that as the only city council member who lives in Chula Vista this is important for him to support his fellow citizens. He along with the attorney hired feel it is VERY important to have larger groups of people attend this meeting. I know it is during the business day but if you work near the location or you work the late shift please try to come. I will be able to make the time to be there and would love to hear if you can too. You can bring anyone as well. They don’t have to live with you we just need to be a bigger visual presence.

Write a letter make a call!

Chula Vista Mayor and Council Office
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910

(619) 691-5044

(619) 476-5379 Fax

Mayor Cheryl Cox

Chula Vista Councilmember Rudy Ramirez

Chula Vista Councilwoman Pamela Bensoussan

Chula Vista Councilmember Steve Castaneda

-From the Official City of Chula Vista Website

San Diego Union Tribune

Write them … and here’s how

To encourage community dialogue on important public matters, The San Diego Union-Tribune welcomes letters to the editor. Space is limited, so we offer these tips and policy guidelines:

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-From by the Union Tribune

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